Review of the 2020 Annual Meeting - Being accountable is my attitude!

2019 just left not too long

2020 is arriving on its way

On January 17,TINNO 2020 Annual Meeting was held in Caesar Palace, Window of the World.


In 2019

TINNO's two major businesses were growing steadily

Breakthroughs have been made in various new businesses and a good start has been formed

Difficulties and breakthroughs in 2019 were going in parallel,

We could not make it without the dedication of every TINNOer,

In 2020, opportunities and challenges coexist,

We need all of us to take on the accountability, fight harder and achieve the victory!


Wonderful pictures flashed back

Laughters were still at ears

After over 7 hours, the grand ceremony of the annual meeting came to an end

2019, thank you all

2020, we have you by our side

In the new year, we need every TINNOer to constantly encourage themselves and bravely surpass

Live up to your time and move forward

Being accountable is my attitude!

